Thursday, August 8, 2013

2nd Grade Classroom Tour (Kelly)

Decorating and organizing the room is what I look forward to every July.  August is when the vision officially starts to come to life!  Although there were a few step back in the vision this year due to fire codes (no hanging from the ceiling and no lamps) and a new classroom, it was all worth it in the end and I think it came together nicely!  Here is a series of before and (almost) after pics.  Still missing the name tags and book/book box labels.


AFTER: Side 1-- This side has the morning routine in order with words and pictures.  The blue chart will be the daily schedule.  The bin is where they turn in any notes for the teacher, homework, or classroom work.
A reminder to: Be Responsible
                     Be Respectful
           Be Safe
               Be Patient
                                     Be ready to do your best

AFTER: Side 2:  Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  If you have not read this book I really encourage you to do so.  It makes itself for a great behavior management plan in an elementary classroom!

It can be found right there on amazon!

Each student has their own "bucket".  The idea is that we need to be bucket fillers by doing kind acts and saying nice words.  When we do these things we make someone else feel good and we feel good too!  But when we are mean, we become bucket dippers and we take from someone's imaginary bucket (their heart in a sense) and we make them feel bad inside.  The children can fill buckets and get rewarded when they do so!

Students fill out a slip when they want to fill a bucket.  Slips are read at the end of each day.  The student's can take home their slip and fill their bucket with a pom pom.

Close up:  Proud Wall- this is a spot where the students can choose work from the week that they are proud of and put it here in the classroom.  I will have to rotate each week with one half of the class, then the other half (no I do not have 12 students! HA!)
Close up: Synonym Word Wall-  This word wall is different than the traditional word walls (which I also have in the room).  This is a wall students can come to during writing.  If they want to use the word "cool" in their writing but feel like they have used cool too much already, they can come to this word wall and pick from the "cool" envelope a synonym.  This goes along with the idea of putting certain words in jail that are used too much.  However, with this word wall, you are aiding the students in various choices to use instead. It is empty in the photo because we will study a word (maybe two) a week to help add words to our wall.
Close up:  This is the spot I will put the word work choices for the week.  I tried to keep all the writing topics on this wall.
Close up: Computer --> that way. ;)

AFTER: book/ book box labels still to come.  Caddies and baskets will be on the table groups not on the shelf.

BEFORE:  What a mess.... it's a good thing I have great friends who helped me move all this!
Partial AFTER
More of the mess BEFORE
AFTER: Reading corner (Those lamps had to go....)
BEFORE- Storage

Whole view from door.

Sorry if the pictures became redundant.  It is hard to get the full picture without every view.  I hope you enjoyed it! Just a few more little touches to go!  I can't wait for the learning to take place in here!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Back to School

Who says teachers get three months off school.....clearly not a teacher!!  We have been back in the game lately and getting the classroom ready for the kiddos to arrive.  Here is our first TPT download!!  Check it out!  These labels were used in my room for my word wall and bin labels this year! ENJOY.

Chevron Graphics by: Emily Wean
